Change the default app theme android studio for sdk 19
Change the default app theme android studio for sdk 19

change the default app theme android studio for sdk 19

Braze.enableMockNetworkAppboyRequestsAndDropEventsMode is now Braze.enableMockNetworkRequestsAndDropEventsMode().Braze.getDeviceId is now just viceId for Kotlin.If using Kotlin, use the property Braze.registeredPushToken. Braze.registerPushToken()/ Braze.getRegisteredPushToken() is now tRegisteredPushToken()/ Braze.getRegisteredPushToken().Kotlin clients will need to update their code to support the use of Kotlin properties on the Braze singleton where needed. Added ability to retrieve deeplinks from BrazeNotificationPayload objects via BrazeNotificationPayload().deeplink.Fixed an issue where apps with a target of Android 12 running on Android 13 devices would not automatically create a default notification channel upon a push notification being received.BaseContentCardView.bindViewHolder() now takes Card instead of generic type.

change the default app theme android studio for sdk 19

  • Added proguard rules to keep enum.values() and enum.valueOf(String) for users who don’t use the default Android proguard rules.
  • Fixed an issue where BaseCardView would sometimes have the wrong size for a given image.
  • Added support for Content Cards to evaluate Retry-After headers.
  • Added BrazeNotificationPayload.extras as a Map to easily retrieve dashboard provided KVPs for push notification data.
  • change the default app theme android studio for sdk 19

    To use this behavior please set .tIsTouchModeRequiredForHtmlInAppMessages to false.

  • Added more reliable HTML In-App Message focusing specifically for TV environments.
  • Fixed the DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper to be Kotlin open, allowing it to be subclassed.
  • Removed the use of the Kotlin Coroutines method limitedParallelism().
  • Please use InAppMessageHtmlBaseView.BRAZE_BRIDGE_PREFIX.
  • Removed AppboyInAppMessageHtmlBaseView.APPBOY_BRIDGE_PREFIX.
  • Added subscribeToNoMatchingTriggerForEvent which is called if no Braze in-app message was triggered for a given event.
  • Added a config field tIsHtmlInAppMessageApplyWindowInsetsEnabled() to configure the SDK to automatically apply window insets to HTML In-App messages.
  • Fixed BrazeNotificationPayload and BrazePushReceiver to not hold onto an Activity context for longer than needed.
  • Fixed the fields of DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper to be protected, allowing them to be subclassed.
  • Fixed the fields of DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper to be open, allowing them to be subclassed in Kotlin properly.

  • Change the default app theme android studio for sdk 19